Tuesday, October 8, 2024

2024 General Election - Marianne's Politiblog

 Welcome to the 2024 General election, the saving democracy edition, of Marianne’s Politiblog.

Yes indeed, the presidential election really is the existential test of whether we continue to live in something that can pass for Democracy or if we devolve into a fascist dictatorship. This is unfortunately not hyperbole but painful reality. But even while we focus on the top of the ballot, please be aware that all those other downballot offices are also important. Please take the time to work your way all the way down to the end of the ballot. It really matters. In the primary race for Commissioner of Pubic Lands, my favored candidate made it to the General by all of 49 votes. 

I’m re-running once again Marianne’s minimum standards for any candidate:

1) be able to write a coherent sentence. 

2) be able to articulate the job description of the post for which you are filing. 

 3) have sufficient internet know-how (or the funds to hire that know-how) to create an on-line presence.

By the General election most of the not serious candidates have been weeded out. In this instance that is not true for the presidential election. 

I’ve been sequestered since spring, so have not been attending candidate events. Doesn’t really feel like I’ve missed much.

So, on to the basics:

First, you need to know that you are registered to vote. To check, go to 


If you’re not registered, you can do that online or by mail until October 28. If all else fails, you can register in person at the 

Island County Elections Office, 400 Main Street, Coupeville, up to 8:00 on November 5, election day.

Ballots are supposed to go into the mail on October 18. Look for your ballot, and if you haven’t seen one by about October  23, contact the elections office at https://www.islandcountywa.gov/423/Elections-Voter-Registration

For more information call Election Supervisor Michele Reagan at 360-678-8290, micheler@islandcountywa.gov

or Voter Registration Coordinator Scott Works 360-240-5590, Elections@islandcountywa.gov  

So, to make your vote count -

1. Try not to use the US Mail, since Postmaster DeJoy continues his deliberate and planned slowdown, going so far as to make a public announcement about having to mail ballots early. If you really have to use the mail, get your ballot in the mail by the Wednesday before election day, October 29.

      2. If you really can’t do it earlier, bring your ballot to the Post Office counter on Tuesday, November 5 during business hours – usually before 4:00 pm. No stamp is needed.

     3. Best option: Drop your ballot in one of the ballot drop boxes before 8:00 pm on Tuesday, November 5. 

They are located at:

    Island County Elections Office

    400 N Main Street    Coupeville

    Trinity Lutheran Church

    18341 Hwy 525    Freeland

    Ken’s Corner Shopping Center

    4141 Hwy 525 (at Langley Road)   Clinton

    Langley Post Office, front patio

    115 2nd Street        Langley

    Island County Camano Annex

    121 N East Camano Drive    Camano Island

    Oak Harbor City Hall

    865 SE Barrington    Oak Harbor

Auditor Crider warned during a previous election that she was getting reports of “unofficial ballot drop boxes.” Don’t be fooled. There are only the 6 official drop boxes listed above. Use those or the Post Office and nothing else.

You may have heard about the nail-biter of a recount that happened in the primary for Commissioner of Public Lands. 

Because the vote for 2nd place, and therefore a position in the general election, was so close, there was a great deal of “curing” of “deficient” ballots. I had a long conversation with Elections official Michele Reagan on this subject and she informed me that they have advanced with the times. Until now she has sent people letters to inform them that their signature does not match the one on record, or is missing entirely. Ms Reagan tells me that there are now a number of quicker & better cures. The elections office is happy to record various versions of your signature. And they are also happy to take your email or 

phone number to be able to reach you more promptly. They’re working hard to make it easier for voters, to make every ballot count.

If the order in which candidates and positions are listed seems a tad arbitrary, I have taken it from the sample ballot I was able to obtain. The candidates are indeed listed arbitrarily, but it was the Secretary of State who determined the order.

You’ll find my choices at the end of each office/issue,  highlighted in red.

 Here, once again, is Marianne’s regular disclaimer: I would never presume to tell you how to vote. That is very much your business. I’m merely telling you how I intend to vote (or how I would vote if I could in any particular race) and why. You can make your own decisions from there.

2024 General Election - Initiatives

Something everyone needs to understand about these 4 initiatives. All of them are sponsored and underwritten by eastside (Bellevue area) newcomer multi-millionaire Brian Heywood. He’s been in Washington a few years and has decided to change who we are and how we operate. So he bought himself these initiatives (quite literally. Seems he paid up to $5/signature) to reverse the state’s environmental and public health progress. The stories in the Seattle Times are behind a paywall, but one of them describes how Mr Heywood has built himself a spectacular retreat in Japan, using dismantled ancient farm houses and even a Buddhist temple “and other cultural treasures.” This is a self indulgent rich kid who feels he has a right to use his money to bend some 7 million people to his will. I, for one, object. 

I-2066 Protect Access to Natural Gas


Initiative Measure No. 2066 concerns regulating energy services, including natural gas and electrification. This measure would repeal or prohibit certain laws and regulations that discourage natural gas use and/or promote electrification, and require certain utilities and local governments to provide natural gas to eligible customers.                                                   Should this measure be enacted into law?                                                                                                                                        Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                    No

This is being promoted as reversing over-reach by the state in banning use of natural gas. Problem is, the state has not in fact banned natural gas. It has, however, taken measure to support cleaner alternatives in new construction. Mr Heywood has tapped into the hysteria of the Building Industry Association to push this false narrative. Washington Conservation Action says this initiative is “a broad attack on energy efficiency and clean energy programs. This is massive over-reach by those who want to undo clean energy progress. Anyone who wants healthy communities and affordable clean energy should vote no.”

I will be voting a resounding NO.

I-2109 Repeal capital gains tax 


 Initiative No. 2109 concerns taxes. This measure would repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000. This measure would decrease funding for K-12 education, higher education, school construction, early learning, and childcare. 

Should this measure be enacted into law?                                                                                                                                               Yes                                                                                                                                                                                               No

I don’t know about you, but it's been just ages since I last made a profit of $250k on the sale of capital assets. Washington has one of the most regressive tax systems in the US. An income tax is prohibited in the state Constitution. It's got to come from somewhere, and the Capital Gains tax has been a way to tax those who 1) aren’t paying their fair share and 2) can afford it. We’re talking about +/- 4000 rich taxpayers, and a total of around $440 million/ year, which goes primarily to child care and school funding.

And of course this is yet another Brian Heywood special. That alone is enough to turn me off.

I will be voting a resounding NO.

I-2117 Repeal Climate Commitment Act

Initiative Measure No. 2117 concerns carbon tax credit trading. This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of carbon tax credit trading, and repeal legislation establishing a cap and invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This measure would decrease funding for investments in transportation, clean air, renewable energy, conservation, and emissions-reduction. 

Should this measure be enacted into law?




This would repeal the Climate Commitment Act. That is the legislation that created the “cap & trade” system, by which producers of polluting gases have to buy carbon credits to offset their pollution. The funds are used for a huge long list of programs and projects intended to improve our climate and our lives, with a big focus on equity – cleaning up the most impacted communities first.  A big chunk is set aside particularly to build new, clean ferries.  https://ecology.wa.gov/Air-Climate/Climate-Commitment-Act  (See info from WSF below.)  One of the programs is funding new clean buses for Island Transit and South Whidbey School District, among others. There’s a whole lot of $ involved and a whole lot of community scale projects intended to reduce the carbon footprint of individuals, households, and businesses. In the process it creates clean, well paid jobs. 

Hidden in the 2117 language is a prohibition on ever doing something like this again. It specifically does not allow the state to enact a new carbon cap & trade system. So not only does it tie our hands, it assures that we’ll never be able to untie them. 

About ferries:

The fleet uses diesel fuel to power its engines and is the largest consumer of diesel fuel in the state government at 19 million gallons used annually prior to 2020;[25] WSF plans to electrify its fleet over 20 years. By 2040, it intends to build 16 new hybrid-electric vessels and convert six others to have hybrid propulsion. This will reduce carbon emissions by up to 180,000 tons annually and save $19 million per year in diesel fuel costs. As of 2023, 9 of the 21 active ferries maintained by Washington State Ferries are considered to be in good condition. 

Well, if 2117 passes, we can kiss those new boats goodbye.

We have seen news that sponsor Brian Heywood has rented gas stations in the south Seattle area and set up there. He drops the price of gas, which draws in customers. He offers to register them to vote. He offers them free food. And then his minions lobby them with reasons to vote yes on 2117. Complaints have been lodged with elections officials that he is effectively buying people’s votes. 

There is so much more I could say about I-2117, Mr Brian Heywood, and the environmental destruction this initiative would visit on our state. Check out the various websites for more info.

I will be voting a loud and vociferous NO.

I-2124 Long Term Care insurance opt-out


Initiative Measure No. 2124 concerns state long term care insurance. This measure would provide that employees and self- employed people must elect to keep coverage under RCW 50B.04 and could opt- out any time. It would also repeal a law governing an exemption for employees. This measure would decrease funding for Washington's public insurance program providing long-term care benefits and services. 

Should this measure be enacted into law?                                                                                                                                       Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                   No

Have you ever had to put someone in a care facility? 20 years ago the price was $4000 - $6000/month. Nowadays I think we’re looking at upwards of $10k/month. That is pretty much beyond the capacity of most of us. So the legislature did something about it. It imposed a ‘long term care insurance’ tax. That guarantees that if/when its needed, it will be available. Yeah, we all have to pay in.  Sure, it would be more fun to have a meal out, but its also a good feeling knowing you’re not going to have to scrounge for more $ than you can possibly afford to take care of mom, dad, or other family members. Not sure why Brian Heywood picked this particular issue to try to reverse. Maybe he likes the idea of people having to quit their job to take care of Aunt Sally when she succumbs to Alzheimer’s. His ads talk about the big bad government imposing on the poor worker. Yeah. Big bad government imposes on us workers to pay for Social Security & Medicare too. Maybe he’d prefer to see those abolished as well. 

I will be voting a strong NO.                                                                                                                                  

2024 General election candidates

President/Vice President

Well, here I thought we would have a simple choice. Instead we have no fewer than 10 options in the presidential race. But of course we don’t really. We all know full well that there really are only two choices. Actually, there really is only a single choice. But to be fair, I will provide thumbnails of all candidates. They’re listed below in the order you’ll find on your ballot. 

Kamala Harris & Tim Walz, D


The one thing that really sticks out for me is how much these two laugh. These are either genuinely happy people or some of the world’s best actors. We’ve all had to be so dead serious for so long that the sight of those grins is therapeutic. 

I am by no means on board with the entire program. I am very upset with Harris continuing the Biden policy of sending arms to Israel. I want to hear her, and Walz, denounce genocide, and recognize/accept that what Israel is doing in Gaza – and the West Bank – and now spreading to Lebanon -  is in fact genocide. It’s a big issue, but its only one of many. Those many other issues make it imperative that we elect Harris/Walz. I’m not sure I agree with such proposals as a $25k down payment subsidy. Unless there are some very strong guardrails that will just enrich the banks. I also want to see the spreadsheets for the other generous “chicken in every pot” promises. On the other hand, the intent is to make life easier for ordinary folk and I really appreciate that intent. And of course we have heard precious little about their climate/environment agenda. 

Donald Trump & JD Vance, R


I think we’ve all seen and heard more than we need of the Trump/Vance campaign. There are the bold lies. There are the phony claims. There are the dire warnings. And of course there is the encouragement of violence toward anyone of a different persuasion. There are the “if I have to tell stories” and the “childless cat women” and Haitian pet consumers. What we are not seeing is any concrete plans to improve life for people in this country. And of course women won’t have to worry about reproductive rights any more. Why should it matter to anyone over 50? The most recent statements aimed at women, “I will be your protector” – this by a convicted rapist – is enough to scare the bejeebers out of me. 

The best I can hope for is that this ticket goes down in flames. 

Robert Kennedy Jr & Nicole Shanahan, We the People party


So, our off-the-wall renegade announced his intent to run as a dem back in 2023. Then he changed his mind and said he’d run as an independent. And then, too late to pull his name from the ballot, he suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump. What more does one need to know? The brain worm has obviously done more damage than anyone, including Kennedy, realized. If you really care, check out the Wikipedia article.

Jill Stein & Rudolph Ware, Green party


“I'm running for president with the Green Party to offer a choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate action agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November.”  Given that they’re on the ballot in only 7 states, even if one wholeheartedly supported their program, a vote for Stein & Ware is essentially wasted.

Claudia De La Cruz & Karina Garcia, Socialism & Liberation party



Yet another Socialist party. (check out the whole batch below).  This one is of a Marxist-Leninist bent. “Their socialist policy program includes a pledge to support reparations for Black Americans, institute a single-payer healthcare system, end all U.S aid to Israel, forgive all student loan debt, fully recognize Native American sovereignty and honor treaty rights, cut the U.S. military budget by 90%, seize the 100 largest corporations, expand public transportation, and use taxation to eliminate billionaires.” Sounds great. One wonders just how they intend to implement any of this. 

They’re on the ballot in 6 states. 

Rachele Fruit & Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers’ party


Another Socialist sub-group.  “Fruit and Richter have expressed strong support for Israel in the Israel-Hamas war and have branded themselves as working class candidates.”

Well, they lost me right there. I don’t care about any other part of their agenda. Strong support for murder and genocide makes them unacceptable in my book. 

Joseph Kishore & Jerry White, Socialist Equality party


It seems like every subset of the far left is running their slate of candidates this year. I freely admit that I lack the interest and the patience to parse out the differences among the various factions. This particular faction is “against capitalism, inequality, war, and dictatorship.” I really did try to read their program, but these people are still arguing about Leon Trotsky and permanent revolution. 

Chase Oliver & Mike ter Maat, Libertarian party


“remove government barriers that stand in the way of your dreams”

His platform includes a push for nuclear energy.

On the one hand, the platform looks so good, so logical. What I’m not seeing is how those good and logical results will be achieved. “All voters have the right to fair congressional districts.” Yep. And just how does he propose to make that happen? “All voters have the right to secure elections.” Yep. Again, how does he make that happen? I think we need to see a whole lot more than generalized statements. 


Gotta say, I got hung up at the “Gold New Deal.” I think this character wants to take us back to the gold standard. Sorry, not going to dive into that pit. Also, I object to FDR being called a communist and the worst thing that ever happened to the US. 

Cornel West & Melina Abdullah, Justice for All party


He has what looks like a great platform, titled Pillars For A Movement Rooted in Truth, Justice, & Love

I’m not going to go into the many bullet points in that document but its all about justice. I have heard the man speak on a number of occasions and all other things being equal, could definitely live with him in charge of our government. Of course other things are very much not equal. 

Melina Abdullah


A founder of Black Lives Matter in Los Angeles. She is a tenured professor of Pan African studies at Cal State Los Angeles. A classic left wing troublemaker who tends to get in the face of Los Angeles police when they harass poor, black, homeless and otherwise marginalized people. Glad she’s there and doing what she’s doing. But as mentioned above, we don’t really get to choose our favorites.

Shiva Ayyadurai & Crystal Ellis, Independent. 


Mr Ayyadurai is an Indian-American engineer (born in India, so not eligible to serve as president) and anti-vaccine activist. He has become known for promoting fake conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and unfounded medical claims. He also claims to have invented email. He ran against Elizabeth Warren in 2018. He calls for secure borders and an end to sanctuary cities. He appears to have Unite the Right and QAnon connections.  He evidently has (or had) plenty of money, having spent upward of $1 mil on a failed 2020 Senate campaign. He then claimed election fraud. He seems a bit lawsuit happy, suing any official who disagrees with him. 

There’s a ton more, but I think we get the gist. Not a serious candidate. 

I tried searching for Crystal Ellis, but found nothing useful.

So there we have the long list. As mentioned several times, if we want to see a functional government which adheres to at least some democratic principles then we don’t really have a choice. It's not quite the lesser evil, but it is a bit forced. I will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

US Senate

Maria Cantwell D     incumbent https://www.cantwell.com/

She believes climate change is real and needs to be dealt with. She sees a potential for clean energy creating many good jobs. She strongly supports the Paris agreement. She’s been fighting to protect our coasts from offshore oil drilling, our national lands from exploitation, and to keep our waters clean.

She is a strong supporter of net neutrality, the Affordable Care Act, and pretty much the whole progressive agenda. Oh, and she’s a big supporter of Roe v Wade, which is why she fought long and hard against seating Justice Kavanaugh.

She has fought for DACA, Dreamers, and the release of the children kidnapped at the border.

She fought the Trump tax “reform” ripoff. 

She lobbied strongly to stop oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

She supported the Right To Unionize bill. 

As of May 1 she was still supporting Biden’s stance on Israel and Gaza, which causes me serious heartburn. To her credit, she is in favor of a negotiated solution and says “we must continue to reject and condemn violence and discrimination against any person because of their ethnicity or religious beliefs.” On the other hand, over the years she has accepted $400k from AIPAC, which might just color her responses. 

She is by no means perfect, but she’s been in the Senate long enough to have some influence, and she uses it for the most part to push our issues and to oppose the right wing takeover. 

Raul Garcia R www.garciaforwa.com

Here’s what I wrote about him when he ran for governor in 2020: 

campaign slogan = Hippocratic oath, First, do no harm.

Emergency Room MD since 1982, small businessman, Cuban immigrant. Interned for Bob Dole. Lived in Miami, New York, Yakima Valley, tri-cities. “On the frontlines of COVID right now.”

He’s an osteopath, ER, has written some papers. His wife is an RN. 

I note that he does not state his party in his website front page or campaign sign. I just found it, not surprising, R. He says he’s looking to unify dems and republicans, east and west

He pumped for signatures on Ref 90, the “parents for safe schools” referendum to remove sex ed from schools. 

In a Flag Day speech he says he and his mother “escaped from a communist regime that took our farm and some of our family.”

respect for free speech

choose our own faith

hard work brings opportunity

His current agenda:

Fentanyl – he’s an ER doctor and sees too many overdoses in the emergency room, including his own son. He proposes legislation at the federal level. 

Inflation – its all the fault of reckless federal spending, which he will curb

women’s health – he wants to fund women’s health in rural areas. He claims Cantwell did nothing to support or promote that until this June. “Politics should never be a factor in such an important issue as women’s healthcare.”

abortion – he’s an MD and sees that banning abortion would lead to maternal deaths. 

Cryptocurrency – he “recognizes the importance of cryptocurrency to our economy, now and in the future.” He overlooks the fact that entire eastside counties are losing their electric power to crypto operations. 

unity in the face of partisanship

He sounds like a decent human being and a good doctor who is out of his political depth. 

So, one more time, the lesser evil. She’s by no means perfect, but definitely better than the alternative being offered. I will be voting for Maria Cantwell

US House, district 2

Rick Larsen D incumbent www.ricklarsen.org

current issues:

* reproductive freedom – 100% pro choice.

* fentanyl – provide prevention & recovery services, nail dealers

* economy – reinvest in 2nd district for good paying jobs, support local workers, raise federal minimum wage, equal pay, skill training, grow organized labor

* health care – universal affordable coverage, reduce prescription drug costs, reduced ACA premiums, strengthen Social Security & Medicare, close medigap, oppose privatization of Medicare and Social Security, sponsored “scrap the cap” to require rich to pay Social Security.

* veterans – commit to healthcare, housing, career training; travel to doctor program, get homeless vets into housing.

* voting rights – end partisan gerrymandering, require disclosure of dark money, expand opportunities to vote, restore voting rights protections.

* environment – mitigating climate change via Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. Passed updated Migratory Bird act. Supported Water Resources Development Act. Pushing for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.

* transportation/infrastructure – has brought home infrastructure bacon to Skagit County, Lynwood, Lynden, and Everett. 

Here are excerpts from 2 years ago, since his current website is so skimpy:

Rick Larsen has been around forever. Early on, it seemed like his focus was on giving the military whatever it wanted, ignoring the people who had to live with the results. And then we saw a change in attitude around the Growler jet training, with Rick pushing the Navy to make at least some concessions to reduce the devastating impact on Coupeville area residents.

His ratings by various organizations:

NARAL         abortion rights 100%

ACLU         civil rights  92%

        human rights 85%

Children’s Defense Fund children 100%

League of Cons Voters environment 100%

AFL-CIO labor 91%

AFSCME education 100%

Council for a Livable World  defense  62%

As I wrote before: What I am seeing of Rick over the years is that for a long time he went along with the ‘mainstream’ Dems, but that with the theft of the 2016 election he rethought his priorities. He has been moving steadily farther left. He is by no means a genuine progressive yet, but he’s getting there – to the extent that he is even questioning his former unqualified support for the military and fossil fuel infrastructure. The man appears to be educable after all. That is a good thing.

The one big thing that has changed is Israel’s destruction of Gaza. In years past Rick has accepted small donations from AIPAC and at present he is not speaking up against the US providing Israel with the bombs to murder a whole population. Unlike a number of his fellow Congress members, he has not stated whether he would boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. He most certainly should. 

There are some who say this is the final straw and they refuse to vote for Larsen because of his refusal to denounce genocide. And then I look at all the lovely alternatives – and the political reality of how elections work. 

Cody Hart MAGA  www.codyhart.org

His statements:

Inflation is a tax on all Americans.  The Biden administrations irresponsible spending and economic policies are to blame for the worst inflation in American history.  I am committed to cutting government waste and fixing our economy.

  I am an absolute supporter of the right of unborn children to live and will protect their lives as I would every life.  

     I support strong control of our nation’s borders, knowing who is entering our country, and enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws and not rewarding those who violate them.

As a gun owner, I am an advocate for gun rights, support responsible gun ownership and will oppose any legislation that infringes upon the 2nd Amendment. 

Stopping unnecessary regulations and crony capitalism are critical.

As a leading state expert on election integrity, I have found corruption at every level and will never stop exposing it to the public.  Unlike many others, I am not just talk, and have actually shown I know what to do to restore election integrity.        

As a whistle blower, I have already identified hundreds of millions of dollars of waste, fraud, and abuse in Washington state.  Watch what I do when you send me to D.C.!

Our school system is failing students.  From misguided social programs that don't belong in school to dishonest sales tactics used by colleges.  I will defend parental rights and fight to stop the sexualization of children in school!

Religious beliefs must be respected and not dismissed or trampled on.  This was a founding reason our Country exists and this right must be protected and I will do just that.

As a father of three I believe the childcare crisis goes hand in hand with our nation’s recovery from the COVID epidemic.  As an advocate for all families in my regions, I will fight for this issue.  

I am someone who actually is an infrastructure expert, understands how broken the system is, and I will not tolerate our government incompetency that is leading to its collapse.  

As a Navy Veteran who served overseas, I support a strong military and will not tolerate discrimination against my fellow Veterans and have shown I know what to look for. 


Hart complains bitterly that the “deep state” is out to get him legally. So I looked it up. Seems he filed a lawsuit against 3 Skagit County officials claiming they had stolen the recent election. Seems he did not have any actual evidence, lipped off at the judge, and then stomped out of his own hearing – which somehow is the fault of the “deep state.”

Well, he was MAGA in 2022 and he’s MAGA now. Not much more to say.

` With all his warts and shortcomings, Rick Larsen is still a reasonable and functional human being. The same cannot be said for his challenger. I will be voting for Rick Larsen.

State offices


Bob Ferguson D https://www.bobferguson.com/

My one hesitancy about Bob Ferguson running for governor is that he will no longer be Attorney General. He has been great in that position. He has sued the underwear off a whole long list of bad actors, winning back social and financial gains. Among many others, he joined the lawsuit against the Navy over Growler jet noise. We received a refund recently from producers of tuna and chicken, courtesy of a Ferguson case which demanded back their illegal overcharges. I’ve met him twice, and find him open and genuine. Given that one of those times the boats quit running and he had to drive clear around the north end, we might expect him to have an understanding of the importance of ferries.

From his website:

Fighting for reproductive freedom – defended access to mifepristone, protected privacy of both those who come to WA for abortions and those who provide them. Won a case against Trump to protect contraception access. 

Standing up for workers – going after wage theft violators. Won protection for Hanford workers. Defended minimum wage and paid sick leave against a challenge. Not surprising that unions love him. 

Standing up for our civil rights – created a civil rights division in the AG’s office. Won a significant gay rights case. Protected rights of pregnant workers. Protected women ag workers from sexual harassment. Stood up for disabled vets and DREAMers.

Fighting for consumer rights – won several huge cases, which financed expansion of Consumer Protection Division.

Protecting our environment – created Environmental Protection division. Won more than 50 convictions of environmental criminals. First attorney to take on Monsanto re PCBs. Monsanto paid out nearly $100mil. Sued the feds to push Hanford cleanup. Won many cases against Trump administration to protect Obama era climate change protections. He blocked Trump’s attempt to gut the Endangered Species Act. Permanently blocked Trump’s ‘Dirty Power Plan’

Fighting for fair elections & open government

Working for veterans

A champion for seniors

Standing up for survivors of violent crime

An independent leader

Expanding access to affordable health care

Improving school safety

Combatting the opioid epidemic

Partnering with tribes

Defending the Constitution

I’m not going to go through every one of his areas of achievement. Enough said that this man will make a very good governor indeed. 

Dave Reichert R https://www.reichertforgovernor.com/

“I love Donald Trump’s policies” (Douglas County R meeting 2-5-24). He owns a signed MAGA hat. Voted 92.5% with Trump when he was in congress. Denies climate change: “we can’t control the weather.” Anti-choice, anti gay marriage, voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act – 37 times. 

Former King Co Sheriff. 


* crime & safety - “crime is up”, WA is a haven for crime, drugs, homelessness, human trafficking, etc. Too few cops. 

* Pro death penalty. 

* cost of living – high gas price, health insurance, property tax. People are leaving WA. Will make WA affordable (but doesn’t say how). 

* jobs & economy – create jobs, grow the economy, lower taxes, reduce regulations, impose law & order. 

* parents & children – public schools have lost students. prevent lockdowns, closures, & mandates. Restore parental oversight. 

* accountability – make government open, responsive, inclusive. 

I just checked his website again. Not a single word, not a whisper about climate or environment. Obviously not on his radar. What there was a lot of was accusations against Bob Ferguson. 

Mr Reichert is a classic MAGA ex-cop. This man is seriously scary because he has in fact “served” in high elected office before. He needs very much NOT to be given the opportunity again.  By sharp contrast, Bob Ferguson has been taking very good care of the people’s business for some time now. I very much like what I see. 

I will be voting for Bob Ferguson.

Lieutenant Governor

Denny Heck D   incumbent     www.dennyheck.com

Interestingly, his new website seems to be a re-run of his 4 year old website, so I may as well use what I wrote about him 4 years ago.

Retired from US House of Reps

“These times urgently call out for public service. As Lieutenant Governor I will provide stability and work to ensure fairness and civility”

Why Denny?

civility, decency, experience – the Lt Governor “sets the tone” for debate and decorum in the legislature.

He came from working class people and has been a union business agent for many years. He believes passionately in public schools and has rejected any and all donations from pro-charter school groups. 

He will fight for a fair budget which protects the vulnerable and strengthens public schools. 

He will fight for progressive policies.

He will fight to protect Puget Sound, and has done so in congress. 

He signed I-1631 (Carbon emissions fee) & will work on climate change. He has a 96% rating from the League of Conservation Voters. 

He will fight for tax reform leading to ‘a more progressive tax system”

He will fight to increase access to reproductive health care.

He has written 3 books, one on Washington schools, one a mystery, and one a personal memoir. He wrote and performed a 1 man play.

I get the impression of a good hearted mainstream dem with enviro leanings.


Denny Heck has picked up endorsements from more than 230 current and former elected officials, including former governors Christine Gregoire and Gary Locke.

Dan Matthews R https://www.electdanmatthews.com/

I am not finding any issues or agenda. On the “about Dan” page I find that he supports, among others, the Alliance Defending Freedom, Pregnancy Resource Centers, the Union Gospel Mission, and the NRA (life member). All of these are right wing groups.

Since the primary he has populated his website. We get a much clearer picture of the man and his positions. Well, not quite. While there is a whole list of issues in 3 categories, none of them are hot links. We can certainly guess at some of them. 

Under “defend our families” the first item is “support parental rights.” Under “protect our freedoms” we get “uphold the Constitution”, “limited government”, “local control”, and “defend bill of rights” among others. Its under “safeguard our future” that I can see through some of the cracks. “preserve all energy resources” translates to “don’t get rid of fossil fuels.” “Save Our Dams” I’m sure is a wish to keep the 4 Snake River dams from being taken down. And then there’s “Property Rights,” which stands on its own.

And he says he espouses “big citizens and small efficient government rather than small citizens and big government.”

Given that Mr Heck has been doing the job, and by all accounts doing it well, and given the fact that his challenger leaves a fair amount to be desired, I will be voting for Denny Heck.

Secretary of State

Steve Hobbs D  incumbent https://www.electhobbs.com/

priorities: ensuring elections are secure and accessible to every eligible voter. Kinda says it all. 

He’s been investing in cybersecurity, offering security improvement grants to counties, and fighting election misinformation. He’s working to rebuild trust in the system, based on respect, transparency, and humility – and repeated demonstrations of success. 

He’s had a focus on outreach to eligible voters who are: young, in tribal & underserved communities, have disabilities, are non-English speakers, or are new residents. 

He’s developed a new outreach program to state prisoners to engage them in civic participation when they leave prison. 

He has developed text messaging to notify voters when their ballot has been received and accepted, or if there is a problem with their ballot (forgot to sign, for instance). 

Dale Whitaker R https://whitakerforwa.com/

He’s been endorsed by the state R party – that would be the party that disavowed democracy and election integrity (the basic job of the secretary of state).

He’s a British immigrant who became a US citizen in 2015. 

His priorities:

- enhance election security via cutting-edge tech & protocols to protect against fraud & interference

- increase transparency, greater public oversight & confidence

- improve accessibility

- strengthening community ties via:

* proper chain of custody

* verify voter ID

* verify voter registrations

* abolish ballot harvesting

I’m hearing complaints, but seeing no supporting evidence. I’m also seeing catchphrases which I hear from the MAGA crowd – like verifying voter ID & registration, worries about “ballot harvesting” and “securing our elections.” This does not appear to be someone who actually wants to protect the right of all citizens to vote. Sorry, no go.

Bottom line: Steve Hobbs has been doing the job and doing it well. I will be voting for Steve Hobbs.

State Treasurer

Mike Pellicciotti D  incumbent    https://www.electmikep.com/

I actually received a personal hard copy letter from Mr Pellicciotti in response to an email about environmental protection and how state spending relates to that. He says he is using smart, responsible financing to advance our transition to a green economy. He says he has refinanced all state bonds to redirect $532 mil of interest payments from Wall Street profits to the state. That $ has gone into transportation and capital budgets to finance electrifying ferries and funding land conservation. 

“I have changed my office’s investment policies to include an environmental, social, and governance guided approach.”

“It is not right that those who are most negatively impacted by climate change in the long term are also those who have to pay the largest disproportional cost in the short term.” So he has sponsored the “Washington Future Fund” legislation to set aside funds to be invested on behalf of children born into poverty. When they become young adults, the fund should be available for schooling, entrepreneurship, or home ownership. 

He’s asking the legislature to integrate financial education into the k-12 curriculum. 

He’s asking the legislature to provide for IRAs for people to build retirement income. 

And he won’t accept any corporate campaign donations. 

I like where his head is at. He’s been doing a good job.

Sharon Hanek R http://www.sharonhanek.com/

She ran as a write in for Treasurer in 2012. Chaired Pierce Co Charter Review committee 2016

There is a list of events, all of them GOP events

There is only one ‘article’ and it is about her Japanese father and his service to the US. Not clear on how that is relevant to her run for Treasurer. So I just checked again. There are now 2 videos. One is Ms Hanek explaining who she is and how she would manage the state’s money. The second is an interview. I admit I did not listen to it. 

My impression is of someone who has been pushing numbers around for a long time. Hard to know how good she is at it but probably reasonably. I still don’t see anything like a position on her website. 

Well, given that the incumbent is doing a good job, and the challenger doesn’t seem to have any serious platform, I will be voting for Mike Pellicciotti.

State Auditor

Pat (Patrice) McCarthy    D   incumbent https://www.patmccarthyauditor.com/

 “Our vision is to increase trust in government. We are the public’s window into how tax money is spent.”

Well, that’s a pretty disappointing web page. 

I just checked again, and now there is an “about” page, which helps some.


I don’t like going to the official website of an incumbent official, but Ms McCarthy’s campaign website just plain doesn’t say much of anything. 


* Shining a brighter light on government operations for the public. 

* Increase trust in government through independent and transparent audits of state and local governments. 

* Help those governments develop strategies to become more efficient and effective. 

There follows a list of audits in the last 3 years, with links to the actual documents. This office does a lot more than I realized. 

Matt Hawkins R https://mchawkins.org/

Transparency & Accountability

I’ll give him points for describing audits and what they are supposed to do. 

His priorities:

1) Government regulations. identify how regulations increase costs.

2) The Homeless crisis. Determine what process can best benefit and reduce homelessness (huh?)

3) Education. Determine what has contributed to failing test scores & declining social health

4) Loss of Property Rights. 

“Audits begin with a question, then extend into a search for the Truth. Done correctly, the people can have confidence that the funds and resources of government are being used in the best possible means to benefit The People. As Auditor, Hawkins has an opportunity to restore Transparency to Government by being the “Eyes and Ears” of the People.”

“Financial Audits identify how taxes are being properly used, while Performance Audits focus on efficiency and effectiveness of government. Compliance Audits determine if agencies follow the laws and mandates, they are provided.”

Well, he sort of has the job description down. We’ll give him points for that. But then he goes off on doctrinaire diatribes about how regulations increase costs, we’re losing property rights – and more. I think his train kind of ran off the track there.

My impression is that Ms McCarthy is doing the job well. I will be voting for  Pat McCarthy.

Attorney General

Pete Serrano R https://serranoforag.com/

Another MAGA. He refers to J-6 insurrectionists as “political prisoners” and is a pro-gun lobbyist.

He worked as a USDOE environmental attorney at Hanford, where he’s been working with the DOE team to ensure safe effective cleanup. Right. That would be the "safe, effective cleanup" that hasn't happened in the last 80 years. 

Established the Silent Majority Foundation. From their website: “born out of necessity to halt and reign (sic) in government overreach.” Their focus seems to be the right to own guns and high capacity magazines, and the right to misinform people about Covid.

He hangs out with far right MAGA perennial candidate Loren Culp.  

He’s a Pasco city council member. He touts Pasco’s adoption of the national opioid settlement. Guess who was a prime author of that settlement? Current AG Bob Ferguson. 


* foster a safe environment for all residents

* sustainable solutions to the drug crisis

* uphold the rule of law

He says he wants to reshape Washington into a state where justice prevails, communities thrive, and safety is a right for all.

He believes in the harmony between environmental protection and energy advancement. He helped in developing a biofuels terminal in Stockton, CA and in permitting small modular nuclear tech. He believes these are clean energy. 

He wants to protect the nuclear family and prevent child trafficking. 

He believes crime rates are increasing and supports gun ownership. He blames fellow primary candidate Manka Dingra for bad legislation that hamstrings law enforcement.

He feels he needs to fight for government accountability and transparency. 

“I will provide a much needed check on government overreach.”

Well, not surprising. We’ve got your classic MAGA. No thanks.

Nick Brown D https://nickbrownforag.com/


*building safe and thriving communities:

preventing gun violence

combatting substance abuse

addressing hate crimes

addressing root causes

* creating an economy that works for everyone:

protecting consumers

establishing and funding a permanent Worker Protection unit

supporting labor rights

ensuring fair competition

advocating for public education

*protecting democracy and defending civil rights:

protecting democracy

preserving and expanding voting rights

combating violent extremism

ensuring equality for our LGBTQIA+ community

* addressing climate change and protecting Washington’s environment:

expanding our nation-leading environmental protection work

implementing and enforcing laws addressing climate change

enforcing environmental safeguards

* respecting tribal nations:

respecting sovereignty and the government-to-government relationship

finding missing and murdered indigenous women

protecting tribal tradition, culture, and identity

* championing abortion rights and health care access:

fighting for abortion rights

ensuring access to health care for all

* living up to our commitment to our active-duty military and veterans:

supporting our MEDAL program

implementing nation-leading protections for veterans

* fighting for a more just legal system:

reforming our criminal legal system

building bridges between police and communities

Whew. It’s a bit overwhelming. It is clear that Nick Brown has thought long and hard about the job of Attorney General and stands ready to step into the shoes being left by Bob Ferguson. It is telling that Bob assured us earlier this year that Nick would continue the many policies and programs he (Bob) had initiated. 

Given the choice between an understudy of the very successful outgoing Attorney General and a MAGA lover of nukes, I will be voting for Nick Brown.

Commissioner of Public Lands

Jamie Herrera Beutler R www.jamieforlands.com

former member of Congress

“will focus on reducing catastrophic wildfire risk, preserving habitat and public recreation”

“decades of under management and neglect have turned too many of our public forests into crowded, diseased tinderboxes.” She touts that she passed legislation to “protect access to these lands from onerous regulations” – which won her an award from the Association of State Foresters, whose business it is to cut down trees.  Yeah, those onerous regulations were the ones we were pushing to protect ancient and mature forests from logging.  

She says those on the left are “guided by ideology rather than science.”

I’m surprised. There’s not a lot of there there. I don’t see any issues or priorities. She doesn’t say how she intends to reduce wildfire risk or preserve habitat. The Association of State Foresters is the home of those who cut down trees. Their support tells me they expect to cut a lot more trees if she is in charge. 

I could go on at great length and detail about the condition of our state’s forests and what needs to happen (or not happen) to them. Yes, there are “crowded diseased tinderboxes”, and those need management. They do not need clearcutting. There are also significant stands of old, diverse, stable forests that need more than anything to be left alone. Those are the stands we worked to protect with those “onerous regulations.” Because they are old and diverse they are surprisingly resistant to fire, unlike those “crowded  diseased tinderboxes.” Ms Herrera Beutler does not seem to recognize the difference, and accuses those who do of “being guided by ideology rather than science.” I suggest she consult with some of the leading scientists on this subject, something she appears not to have done to date. 

I get the distinct impression that she has not done her homework and expects to skate by on her previous reputation.

Dave Upthegrove D www.upthegrove.org

former state legislator 


* a progressive environmental approach to reflect our climate crisis, including preservation of mature legacy forests

* a commitment to good jobs, strong rural economy, and public services

* centering environmental justice in all we do

* honoring treaty rights and strengthening the co-management role of tribes

* improving wildfire prevention and response

* expanding recreational opportunities


*  improve tree canopy in under-represented communities

* develop affordable housing on surplus state lands

* improve engagement & transparency

* forest practices to improve healthy rivers & salmon recovery

* preserving health of aquatic lands

Dave came to a candidate event in Langley. The hall was closed, the event sponsor was away. An alternate location was found at the last minute. Dave wore jeans and a T shirt because the suitcase with his suit had been left behind. I was favorably impressed that none of that threw him off. He was able to laugh it all off and continue.

He was an environmental activist before he was a politician.

He’s the only candidate who starts by saying he is an environmental and conservation leader. That is refreshing. 

He helped lead the Blue-Green Alliance – a pro-labor, pro-environment coalition rejecting the false choice between jobs and the environment. 

Oh, and he’s gay. 

He’s the only candidate to focus on the health of the entire ecosystem rather than just on fire, fire, fire. We spoke with him about a particular issue we have with DNR’s oversight of private lands logging. He understood and agreed that this was a problem. There is a great deal that needs to change at DNR, starting with the emphasis on “Forest practices” (logging) rather than on forests. And he’s going to have to figure out how to pay all those school districts and counties without logging their forests. Its going to be a big job. I think he will make an excellent Commissioner of Public Lands. 

I will be voting enthusiastically for Dave Upthegrove

Superintendent of Public Instruction (non-partisan)

Chris Reykdal incumbent https://www.chrisreykdal.org/

He complains of right wing attacks which he says are intended to drive public funds to private religious and for-profit schools. 


* fully funding basic education

* mental health supports

* keeping our public schools public – children are harmed when we segregate our schools based on income, race, disability, and religion. 

* high school completion – I am a strong believer in high expectations of each of our students, and they deserve multiple ways to demonstrate their proficiency, their ability, and their passion. 

* opportunity gaps – vs achievement gaps. 

* protecting LGBTQ+ students – this includes honoring a student’s chosen name and pronouns in the classroom. 

* keeping our students safe from gun violence 

* teacher excellence – including appropriate teacher pay

* expanding dual credit options 

* expanding career and technical education 

* high standards with local control – he objects to federal attempts to dictate state school policy

* early learning – strong support for pre-k, integrated with k-12

* capital budgets – he objects to need for local bond votes which require 60% super majority. He wants to focus state capital budgets on school retrofits for air and water quality.

* protecting our environment and our students’ futures – focus on teaching environmental and climate science, does not want to rely on DNR timber harvests for school funding.

* school meals – make them free, both to prevent student hunger and to level the playing field

* dual language expansion – good for everybody

David Olson www.electdavidolson.com

“Putting kids & parents first”

Passed policy limiting cell phones & social media in classrooms

Retired naval officer, commitment to non-partisan pragmatic solutions that prioritize student achievement and parent voice.

He advocates for: parents on curriculum assessment committees, parent advisory committees, & more.

He claims that current Superintendent Reykdal has caused student success to collapse. 

He claims he will re-allocate funding toward poor & rural schools. 

He says he will return local control to school boards

He says he will eliminate ‘divisive social programs.’ 

There should be NO SECRETS from parents concerning their students.  To me this is code for being anti-gay and anti-trans.  

“. . . will explore converting struggling public schools to charter schools . . .”

He appears to have it together in the financial planning area.

He blames absenteeism on the current Superintendent. 

Something about this man does not sit right with me.

founder, Equal Opportunity Schools


* ensure every student has access to great learning opportunities

* fully face and address the mental health crisis There are proven solutions

* prepare each student for the future of their choosing 

* invest our limited resources in the highest impact initiatives

It takes a certain amount of reading between the lines, but I think we have a genuine MAGA wanting to take over public education. No thanks.

For a deep dive, check out: https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/candidates-vying-to-head-ospi-spar-over-how-state-funds-was-public-schools/

With the choice being between a competent incumbent and an anti-LGBTQ MAGA, not really much of a choice. I will be voting for Chris Reykdal

Insurance Commissioner

Patty Kuderer D www.pattykuderer.com

former state senator

In the state senate she advocated for gun safety, voting rights, and women’s health. She will work to protect consumers and hold insurance companies accountable. 

She is endorsed by every state executive elected official  - except the current Insurance Commissioner. 


* universal health care. She’s got a long discussion of how the Insurance Commissioner is involved in furthering universal health care. 

* protecting access to reproductive health care. Again, a long discussion, all of it supportive of women’s rights. 

* gun insurance. She authored a bill in the legislature to require gun owners to carry liability insurance. As Insurance Commissioner she would/will submit an agency request to pass such legislation. The insurance would compensate victims of unintentional shooting. 

* homeowners’ & business climate change insurance. She will work with insurers on risk mitigations, potential risk sharing with public insurance programs. 

* lowering the cost of auto insurance. Another long discussion about the causes and cures for high premiums.  

* simplifying appeals of medical claim denials. WA has the WA Insurance Fair Conduct Act, a very strong consumer protection law, but it does not currently cover health insurance or denial of most medical claims. She promises to work to simplify the appeal process and to offer help as necessary.

* firefighter cancer screening. She wants early screening, and unquestioned coverage for that. 

Phil Fortunato R www.votefortunato.org

he’s been in the state house and senate for many terms.

In April he announced he was running for Secretary of State. In 2020 he ran for governor. Back then he demanded “fairness for Tim Eyman.”

There is no platform or statement of issues. 

He is running specifically “to defeat an activist attorney.”  The office has considerable rule making and rate setting authority. “My goal is to remove burdensome regulations while providing the broadest choice and best coverage at the lowest cost.”

“My supporters and donors are urging me to run for the OIC to stop the onslaught of progressive policies being inflicted on insurance markets in Washington.” So I’m looking to see who those supporters and donors are. Nothing on his website. I did find a notice of an event “with special guest Bill Kirk, of Washington Gun Law.” I checked, and of course it’s a 2nd Amendment organization. 

Given Mr Fortunato’s previous positions and pronouncements, and his affinity for gun proponents, there is no reason to believe he could or would do a good job here. 

And given the very positive agenda proposed by his opponent, I will be voting for Patty Kuderer.

State Senate, LD 10

Ron Muzzall R. incumbent   https://www.ronmuzzall.com/

Not a whole lot to see on his website. Certainly no issues. 

He’s the incumbent, which means we are able to examine his voting record. I just did. See below.

“Local, Principled, Homegrown”

I tried listening to his video titled “I have never denied climate change.” Unfortunately, the wind makes it impossible to hear what he’s saying. 

We’ve all received a few anti-Muzzall mail pieces. One of those claims:

- he voted against affirming Washington’s abortion access.

- against expanded mental health coverage in insurance policies

- against expansion of free & low-cost health care

- against greater financial transparency from hospitals

- against expanding free & low cost health care

- against protecting abortion access

Checking his voting record below, all of the above are true. 

He believes the state should reimburse private property owners to protect critical areas. So we get to pay landowners for not logging wetlands, stream buffers, and steep unstable slopes. “Qualifying timber on those lands would see an increase from $50k to $150k.”  That’s while he’s wringing his hands over the excessive state budget. 

His voting record, per https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/187523/ron-muzzall

On labor: 3 votes against labor rights

NO – establish collective bargaining rights for state legislative staff

NO – prohibit employers from requiring workers to attend captive audience meetings

NO – limit non-disclosure agreements & non disparagement provisions in employment & independent contractor agreements

On environmental issues: 9 votes against environmental protection 

NO – align state carbon markets with California – Quebec carbon market

NO – appropriate $80 mil from Climate Commitment Act to buy electric school buses

NO – new regulations for greenhouse gas emissions

NO – amend tax rules re clean energies, increase revenue to local governments, schools, & communities

NO – authorize protections for orca whales

NO – expand policies re climate change

NO – establish state goal of stopping gas powered vehicle production by 2030

NO – amend clean energy goals

NO – require the state to reach 0 carbon emission by 2050

on gay rights: 2 votes against gay rights

NO – amend state learning standards to include info re LGBTQ+

NO – prohibit public disclosure of inmate gender status

on tech: 3 votes against addressing tech issues

NO – establish an Artificial Intelligence task force

NO – establish regulations for facial recognition tech

NO – require development & admin of a tech grant program

on guns: 8 votes against protecting people from guns

NO – require gun owners to notify law enforcement within 24 hours of firearm theft

NO – require gun dealers to have surveillance cameras

NO – amend firearm background check program

NO – prohibit carrying firearms in certain locations

NO – prohibit sale of ghost guns

NO – prohibit sale of high capacity firearm magazines

NO – prohibit open carry near state capitol or public demonstrations

NO – establish a background check system for firearms transfers

on law enforcement: 3 votes in support of law enforcement 

YES – increase state funding for law enforcement training

YES – expand police chase protections for law enforcement

NO – establish new regulations re private prisons

on civil rights: 12 votes against civil rights & benefits

NO – appropriate funding for student needs

N0 – expand young driver training & education

NO – expand reporting rules re grassroots lobbying

NO – extend voting rights to citizens on parole

NO – establish environmental justice council

NO – require law enforcement to provide attorney access to juveniles

NO – establish the state office of equity

NO – increase access to TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)

NO – require schools to incorporate curriculum on local Indian tribes

NO – prohibit discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status

NO – require housing goals in GMA to include affordable housing

NO – establish a state student loan program

on women’s rights: 7 votes against women’s equality & bodily rights

NO – prohibit state from cooperating with out of state abortion & gender affirming care lawsuits

YES – prohibit sale of over the counter sexual assault kits

NO – prohibit medical licensing boards from retaliating against clinicians for providing reproductive health care services

NO – repeal gender based pricing

NO – prohibit cost sharing for patients seeking abortion care

NO – expand & codify abortion protections into state law

NO – prohibit hospital policies that restrict necessary miscarriage treatment

on health care rights: 2 votes against improved health care

NO – authorize the health care authority to purchase generic prescription drugs

NO – establish prescription drug affordability board

I’ve known Ron Muzzall since 1990, when we worked on an initiative campaign together. His attitude toward women then was that they were good for making coffee but otherwise should shut up and sit down. I had a lot of trouble working with him. Over the years he has taken advantage of state benefit programs, like getting paid for the conservation easement on his farm. And now it appears he wants all of us to pay property owners not to destroy their critical areas.  Bottom line: he loves guns, disdains women, and has precious little respect for the environment. Just not my kind of guy. 

Janet St Clair D https://www.janetforsenate.org/


* lowering costs for working families – by lowering cost of basic needs, targeting corporate price gouging, extending internet connectivity, supporting sustainable development of affordable housing.

* proudly pro-choice –  will work to assure health care rights are protected, 100%

* access to health care and prescription drugs – by fighting for affordability, access, and reduced drug costs.

* protecting our air and water – focus on clean air, clean water, protection of salmon & orca, and restoration of tribal rights. Will address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

* supporting law enforcement – provide them with necessary resources, support first responders. Would have voted to allow police pursuit.

* serving those who have served – will continue to work to support veterans

Interestingly, her website is available in Spanish as well as English. 

And now the mud slinging begins. Yep, she voted to (gasp) RAISE TAXES. Not mentioned in the mailed smear is the fact that she voted to increase sales tax by $0.10/$100.00 specifically to support development of affordable housing. The mud slinger is the same bunch of tobacco and oil interests which sling mud at other dem and progressive candidates. Janet has posted a rebuttal, but one suspects that will not reach nearly as many people as received the mailed hit piece. This is the part of the political process that I hate. 

I met Janet when she first whispered her intent to run for County Commissioner. I encouraged her. She talked a great line. Once she became commissioner, that great line faded. She has been a disappointment in office. Its not that her principles have changed all that much, its just that she is more talk than action on issues important to me and my friends. I have tried all these years to educate her about the problems around logging and how those could be resolved. She continues to wring her hands and claim Island County is powerless. Well, now she’ll have the power in the Senate to do what she claimed before that she couldn’t. We’ll be making that the test.

So, while my support for Janet is lukewarm, my distaste for Ron Muzzall is intense. 

I will vote for Janet St Clair.

State House, LD 10, position 1

Clyde Shavers   D incumbent      https://clydeshavers.com/


* public safety - I will always support our law enforcement. I respect and appreciate our brave and honorable public servants as they defend and protect our families, communities, and country. We must give our law enforcement family the resources and tools to do their job right and to rebuild the bonds of trust with those they serve. I do not support defunding the police – and instead pledge to work together in reducing crime with policies that work better for all of us.

* protecting every woman’s freedom to choose - I am 100% pro-choice. I believe that women – not politicians – should make their own health care decisions. The overturning of Roe v. Wade is un-American by taking away rights from women. I will fight to protect every woman’s freedom to choose by ensuring access to abortions and preventative and prenatal care.

* partisanship - I am a public servant, not a politician. Too many politicians put party before all – and that’s wrong. As a naval officer, I didn’t ask my fellow service members if they were a Democrat or a Republican – I asked how we could all better serve our country. And that’s how I approach government – how can we all serve and make our communities better. No matter if you’re a Republican, a Democrat or somewhere in between, I will stand up for you and our shared values as Americans.

* veterans -  After nearly a decade of protecting our nation, I serve on the board of the Whidbey Veterans Resource Center (WVRC) to ensure that we give veterans and their families the services they deserve – affordable housing, access to quality healthcare, and good employment.

* taxes - I do not support raising taxes – and instead, we need to get money back into the hands of working people. We’re seeing prices increase everywhere from groceries and gas to the cost of housing. This means that we need to re-envision how we ensure economic growth and job creation while also paying for vital services that benefit everyone. I will fight to give tax relief to low- and middle-income families and fix our regressive tax structure.

* affordable housing - This issue is personal to me – as a board member and volunteer at Skagit Friendship House, I see the struggles of our homeless and working poor every week. Unaffordable housing affects everyone, young and old. The state legislature needs to break down barriers and remove obstacles so that non-profits and other developers are incentivized to build affordable housing. This includes providing tax waivers/exemptions and incentives for qualifying projects. We also need to support our farmers by protecting farmlands from uncontrolled, unaffordable developments like Fully Contained Communities (FCC).

* protecting our environment - Our environment drives our economy – from our farming and fishing industry to small businesses and tourism. We need to protect our lands and waterways for sustainable fishing and farming, and ensure a healthier future. Having studied environmental law with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), I know that Washington can lead the way in developing a strong clean energy economy that provides high-wage jobs without leaving our current workforce behind. By encouraging initiatives that make sense and are cost effective, we can improve the quality of life for everyone.

* health care - Everyone should have access to quality, affordable healthcare. I will fight to lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, improve mental health and substance recovery services, and help rural healthcare providers and nursing homes. I support a women’s freedom to choose and believe that the state has no business getting involved in private healthcare decisions.

Carrie R Kennedy R https://carriekennedy4wa.net/

She ran for US congress in 2020 & 2022. Now she’s challenging Clyde Shavers over his military record. 

Aside from a lot of  flag waving, there is no substance to her website. There is a single statement with the usual “honor, integrity, sacred vote” etc, but that’s all. Not a single priority or position. 

In 2020 she described herself as: American patriot; Constitutionalist; Republican; US Navy Seabee wife, mother, naval officer daughter, sister, friend.

Her issues then were: government over-reach, mental health reform, America first/America strong, All lives matter. She praised Trump. She thought Covid was finished (in 2020). 

I complained then about her spelling being so bad it was hard to figure out what she was saying – about education. And she wanted to impeach Governor Inslee. 

I think the term “loose cannon” might be appropriate. 

That was in the primary. Since then Ms Kennedy has become a whole lot more toxic – so much so that the press is reporting her threats. The 9-18-24 Whidbey News-Times reported that she posted in 2021 that she wanted to see a member of Congress put before a firing squad. She believes Jan 6 insurrectionists are innocent and the election was stolen. She posted that she is an Oath Keeper and supports the Proud Boys, as well as supporting the local leader of the 3%ers and Moms for Liberty. And of course she says Obama was not born in the US. She’s evidently very upset by the existence of Trans people. No surprise that she is a Trump supporter. It appears that even the LD 10 Republicans are wary of her. 

I just re-checked her website. It now has a page with ‘issues.’ Unfortunately it is incomprehensible garble.

I’ve had my go-arounds with Clyde Shavers. We’ll see if he is finally ready to address deficiencies in state law around logging. I disagree vehemently with his love of nuclear power. All that said, he’s got a good attitude and is working hard to do the right thing. And he’s not a MAGA who threatens to kill people. 

I will be voting for Clyde Shavers.

State House, LD 10, position 2

Dave Paul D incumbent https://votedavepaul.com/

The Issues:

* health care

* education

*family wage jobs

* environment

* supporting veterans

* public safety

* affordability & tax relief

I’m not going to post all of his long and detailed discussions of each of the above issues. Suffice to say that they are indeed long and detailed and lay out a logical path on each issue. 

The man is an educator, so its not at all surprising that he has a strong focus on what he loves. 

I am by no means on board with Dave’s approach to affordable housing, which I think allows for rampant development in rural areas. Nevertheless, I believe his mind is open enough to consider alternatives. 

I’ve been watching and occasionally working with Dave Paul. Intelligent, thoughtful, able to see many sides of an issue and the potential consequences of any particular action. I would love to see more like him in the legislature. 

Gary Wray R https://garyforwa.com/

Gary Wray has been running for something or other season after season. Last time he dropped out and endorsed another candidate. This time he seems to have tossed his hat in the ring and then done precious little to follow up. Hard to consider him a serious candidate.

Evidently someone in Gary’s camp has figured out that he needs at least a website. And it lists issues:

“Protecting your children, parental rights, and women”  Note the possessive “your.” Those are “your” children, “your” parental rights, and “your” women. One has to presume he is speaking only to men. 

He touts something called the “Parents Bill of Rights” which will protect ‘Family Values’. I just checked. This was Initiative 2081, to allow parents, among other things, to have access to their children’s confidential school records – like notes of discussions with a nurse or counsellor. It took effect 6-6-24. 

From Wikipedia: In the United States, the banner of "family values" has been used by social conservatives to express opposition to abortion, birth control, environmentalism, feminism, pornography, comprehensive sex education, divorce, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, civil unions, so-called "gender ideology", secularism, and atheism.

Under  ‘Guarding the Achievements and Rights of Women.’ He states “Gary stands against any notion that diminishes the achievement or the unique identity of our mothers, sisters, and daughters in our society.” The first bullet point waltzes around the issue of trans women and their right to use “spaces designed for women’s privacy and safety.” He says they’re really men. 

  • - about the unfairness of trans women participating in women’s sports.
  • - “amplifying the voices of our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters in the dialogue on rights and equality, ensuring that the progress made is preserved and advanced in the face of new challenges from out-of-touch progressives in Olympia.” Huh?

And someone failed to proof-read the next paragraph which starts with “Gary believes . . . but then goes on to say ‘it’s a promise from Matt . . .” Kind of confusing. Who’s Matt and what does he have to do with this?

I don’t think Gary quite understands how triggering his constant reference to “mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters” is. His only point of reference for female humans is their relationship with males like himself. Subsidiary to. Appendages of. He evidently cannot conceive of strong, independent females. Thanks Gary.

Next he goes to ‘Embracing Economic Freedom’ He cites Ronald Reagan to say “less government is better government”. He is very much a free marketeer. “Economic and personal freedom leave no room for oppressive government mandates and unnecessary intrusion.” Yeah, like those onerous public health and safety rules that insist a product not kill its users. 

Next he wants to cut red tape, regulatory reform, remove bureaucratic barriers .

And he wants to ‘lighten the load’ by reducing taxes, starting with the gas tax and property tax, and streamlining licensing and fees. He finds state government too large, wasteful, and inefficient. One notes that like all the other “cut taxes” proponents, he doesn’t say what services he would cut in response.

And “Protecting Our State”.  All right. Gary has discovered the working class and middle America. And he promises to defend them/us from unaffordable living costs and rising crime. He claims that crime, drugs, homelessness, human trafficking are all increasing alarmingly, all while Washington has the fewest cops per capita in the country. 

And on he goes, with cost of living being the fault of ‘progressives’, his ‘plan for prosperity’ which will include tax reform, regulatory overhaul, innovation and education. “Creating an environment where businesses can thrive, jobs are plentiful, and the economy grows, supported by a foundation of law and order.” 

Given that there’s only one serious candidate who doesn’t insult me down to my toenails, I will be voting for Dave Paul

Island County Commissioner, District 1

Melanie Bacon   D incumbent https://www.electmelbacon.com/

One of the big benefits of being the incumbent is knowing what is going on in the position. While challengers respond to questions with “That’s very interesting. I’ll have to look into it,” the incumbent responds with “that was on our agenda last week. We drafted some language and have sent it back to the department for review.” That’s really hard to beat.


- wants a healthy environment, clean water, housing, and transparent accessible government. Improve emergency management, permit processing, and emergency prep. She’s working on code improvement

- its not enough to declare a UGA (Urban Growth Area), there has to be the urban infrastructure. She’s looking into how that can be done in Freeland. 

- before declaring locations for new development, we need to finish the comp plan process and identify open space to be preserved. We need genuine code enforcement. 

- she had specific figures for what kinds of housing are needed: permanent supportive housing, workforce housing. There is a small tax dedicated to affordable housing.

- yes, Ag is important, and we have programs to support that, including PBRS (Public Benefit Rating System) to reduce taxes. There’s a new permit process for farm stands, but we do have to assure food safety.

- will be discussing short-term rental tax.

- she wrote the fireworks ban which passed

- re federal infrastructure $. There are so many projects: Robinson beach boat ramp; Ken’s Corner to Clinton trail; Bush Point/525 roundabout; Crawford Road; failing water systems; and more

- re: saltwater intrusion. yes, shoreline wells have been intruded. We know it’s a problem. We’re planning a meeting on this issue.

- re: sea level rise. this is really hard. it’s a world-wide issue. We can’t fight nature, so will have to resort to managed retreat

- she is committed to Island County having more trees in 2030 than in 2020.

I’ve had dealings with Melanie Bacon since she first declared her candidacy 4+ years ago. I found then, and still find, a fundamentally decent human being who truly seeks the best for all Island County residents. 

She has the necessary grasp of environmental issues and how those interact with so many others. I talked with her recently about the issue of sea level rise and how we as a community deal with that. She was obviously in pain because she could see no way out of this global scale reality. She’s been getting hammered by shoreline property owners who absolutely demand that she amend the county’s code to allow them to build bulkheads. Melanie, being well read, understands that bulkheads are mere band-aids that do more harm than good. While the big waves might not come washing into the beach house, they will in fact move underneath the bulkhead to intrude on the septic drainfield and render it useless. Yes, the painful last resort is ‘managed retreat.’ But what does that look like in code? And who owes what to whom in such a situation? Worse, new applications are coming in regularly for new beach houses. How does the county say no?

The Shoreline Master Program review and update were supposed to be adopted many months ago. It was just recently forwarded to Dept of Ecology for their review and approval.  Given what the other candidate had to say on this subject, I am glad indeed that Melanie is the one in charge at the moment.

There are those who criticize Melanie for her gentle manner, who claim that if she were more forceful the other commissioners might fall in line. Maybe. I agree that we have a less than fully functional board of County Commissioners, and maybe a more aggressive approach might be in order. Maybe.

Marie Shimada  D   https://marieshimada.com/

- wants to improve staff retention and morale, improve community services, and deal with housing and resource protection

- in 2016 Clintonites did not want NMUGA (Non-Municipal Urban Growth Area). Will respect local wishes.

- need to balance new construction with retaining open space.

- yes, we need more affordable housing. Public/private partnerships will help.

- Island County has weakest ag regulations. She is seeking a grant to provide recommendations for the comp plan.

- agrees with short-term rental tax, but not on full time locals renting out spaces. (huh?)

- supports fireworks limitations

- re federal infrastructure $, would work with partners to improve infrastructure

- re: saltwater intrusion, she would listen to the experts.

- re: sea level rise, she would listen to MRC (Marine Resources Committee) recommendations.

I could go into great and loving detail about my conversations with Ms Shimada and her responses to my questions. I’ve been lobbied, arm-twisted, and besieged by Ms Shimada’s many supporters. I don’t like getting my arm twisted. 

What stood out for me from a strictly policy level was that Ms Shimada did not seem to have the necessary environmental background to be able to speak cogently about significant issues. Something she mentioned in conversation was her irritation with the National Park Service, for whom she worked, and whose rules did not allow her to sell off 400 acres of prairie. I asked why she would want to sell it and she said it was expensive to manage. As far as I’m concerned, one does not divest land from public ownership, but rather acquires more as it becomes available. I’m wondering just how great that cost of management could be. 

I was willing to shine a lot of that on – until all the drama around Ebey’s Landing exploded. An absolute rock-bottom rule is that one does not dis other members of one’s organization in public. An employee does not interfere in the governance of the organization. One absolutely does not splatter the entire matter across issue after issue of the local press. This is not how one runs a campaign for County Commissioner. And it certainly does not speak well for how she might serve as commissioner. 

Since writing the above for the primary, there has been continuing drama, continuing arm twisting, and more and more the realization that Ms Shimada does not have the requisite experience, environmental background, or temperament to be a county commissioner.

The “other guy” – In the last few weeks a third candidate has declared an intent to run a write-in campaign. I refuse to name that person. I am, however, painfully familiar with said write-in candidate, a genuine MAGA.  He once sat on the South Whidbey School Board, where he made the lives of fellow board members difficult and miserable. His wife was a leading light of the local “Moms for Liberty,” leading demonstrations against those students at South Whidbey High School who wanted to promote civility and mutual respect with their fellow students. It was a great relief when Mr “other guy” resigned from the School Board. 

The current word is that the Island County Republicans are terribly tweaked that their candidate, Steve Myres, failed to make the cut for the general election, and have therefore solicited Mr “other guy” to run as a write in. It appears to me that leftover funds from the Steve Myers campaign are likely supporting Mr “other guy.”

There are also reports of interactions which, if true, are downright reprehensible and possibly illegal. The rumor is that there was a conversation between Steve Myres and Marie Shimada suggesting that if he were to throw his political weight behind her candidacy, she would/should reward him with a high level job in county government. People asked Ms Shimada about this and she categorically denied that she would ever have made such a call. She said Mr Myres did approach her, but she rejected any and all proposals. I tend to believe her. 

It is unfortunate that Ms Shimada is tarred with this brush. I do find it telling that there was no such approach to Melanie Bacon.

Given all the drama, and given the fact that Melanie Bacon is doing a reasonable job, I will be voting for Melanie Bacon.

Island County Commissioner, District 2

Christina Elliott D https://electelliott.org/

She’s an intellectual property attorney.


~ affordable housing. Her approach is nuanced. She recognizes that we can’t just build everywhere; that making housing affordable means putting it in places (like urban areas) where the necessary infrastructure exists. 

~ health care. “a healthy public means a healthy island.”

~ emergency planning, to include increased funding for police, first responders, and animal control.

~ championing small business, including promoting foot traffic, greater access to downtowns.

~ proudly pro-choice, including improving domestic abuse resources.

~ environmental stewardship. Taking climate change seriously. 

~ supporting Navy families, active and retired. 

I have now met and had meaningful conversations with Ms Elliott. She’s the real deal. Yeah, she’s new to county government so will have that steep learning curve. From speaking with her and reading her responses I conclude that she is fully capable of dealing with that learning curve. Here’s someone who genuinely cares about the Islands’ ecosystem and the people who live in it. I like what I see. 

Jill Johnson R  incumbent https://electjilljohnson.wordpress.com/

I’ve had many years of negative experiences with Jill Johnson. My all-time favorite has to be the day of a small birthday celebration for her in the courthouse hearing room, when she approached me to say that the best present we could give her would be to retire and leave Island County. 

She has been petty and vindictive. She is not particularly well educated, so makes decisions based on gut feelings rather than solid information. If you want all the gory details, go back to the 2020 blog or earlier, to 2016.

And now – it appears that Jill has undergone some serious changes. I’m hearing her acknowledge the reality of sea level rise and the all but impossible issues that result. She actually phoned to apologize for having said a whole lot of nasty things about my partner, Steve, in open public hearing. She agrees with me that Oak Harbor is woefully short on parks, both in number and in size. She’s still not quite ready to endorse tax relief programs for people who retain their land in forest, but she’s open to a demonstration of the economic impacts of such programs. I do get tired of being called an elitist because I don’t live in an apartment in the city. She’s still a bit shaky on the concept that those of us who own/steward land are actually performing the public service of keeping our land forested. 

Jill claims that this will be her last term, and that the one thing she wants to accomplish in the next 4 years is to “build her jail.” I remember when they built the current jail. I didn’t know jails had such a short life span. 

And maybe its because I’m on the south end and don’t see what’s going on in Oak Harbor, but it has long been Jill’s MO not to campaign directly. We don’t see a serious website. We don’t see position papers, we don’t see public engagements. The implication of all of this is that Jill seems to think the position is hers by right. 

An update: a friend reports receiving a pro-Jill robo-call which included a number to call for more information. My friend called the number and was surprised to discover she was speaking with Jill Johnson. My friend declared herself a strong environmentalist. Jill responded with “then I’m not your candidate.” She evidently expanded on that to say she needed to represent her constituents and was a proponent of affordable housing. Rather confusing to think it is either/or, but that was clearly what Jill was saying. 

I did not endorse Christina Elliott in the primary because I did not have enough information on which to base a judgement. I am pleased to report that now I do have enough information. I very much like what I see in Ms Elliott and find her a refreshing alternative to the contentious Jill Johnson. 

I will be voting for Christina Elliott

State Supreme Court position 2

Sal Mungia  incumbent https://www.salforjustice.com/

Rating judges is always hard. They’re not allowed to discuss any substantive matters because something like it might come before them and they’d have to recuse themselves for having given an opinion on the subject.

We were able to see Justice Mungia in action when the State Supreme Court came to Langley and heard 3 cases at WICA. After the hearings we were actually able to ask questions and meet the justices. I found it a heady experience. I was favorably impressed with all of the justices, including Justice Mungia.

Dave Larson https://larsonforwa.org/

As mentioned, it is really hard to rate judges. Judge Larson is, however, dropping some hints. He says he’s the only one to address rising crime rates, and complains about inaction on the State Supreme Court. He does regular presentations of a program called “How Freedom Works” which is described as “a source of hope in our endless struggle to preserve freedom for all.” Not sure just why it gives me the heebie-jeebies, but I trust my instincts. 

Given that Justice Mungia appears to be doing a good job, and I have questions about Judge Larson, I will be voting for Justice Sal Mungia.

State Supreme Court position 8

Steve Gonzalez incumbent https://justicegonzalez.com/

Note that Justice Gonzalez is running unopposed. As with Justice Mungia, I had the opportunity to see Justice Gonzalez in action and liked what I saw. Even though he is running unopposed, I will be voting for Justice Steve Gonzalez.

State Supreme Court position 9

Sheryl Gordon McCloud incumbent https://justicesherylmccloud.org/

And another Supreme Court justice running unopposed. Justice Gordon McCloud was actually fun to watch when we attended the court at WICA. Even though she is running unopposed, I will be voting for Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud.

Court of Appeals division 1 district 3 position 1

Cecily C Hazelrigg incumbent https://cecilyforcoa.com/

Again, she’s running unopposed. I interviewed her when she first ran for office. We had a great fun conversation. I’ve not heard how she’s done as a judge, but I see that she is endorsed by just about everybody in the state courts.

Even though she’s unopposed, I will be voting for Cecily Hazelrigg.

Island County Superior Court position 1

Christon C Skinner incumbent no current on line presence

This is getting old. He’s running unopposed. I have my hesitancies about him. I will probably leave this one blank.

Island County Superior Court position 2

Carolyn Cliff   incumbent

One more unopposed candidate. I did not endorse her when she ran in 2020. Since then I have had occasion to appear before her. I was a bit floored to hear her raise my endorsement of her opponent in 2020 and ask if I thought I could get a fair trial from her. We proceeded, and while it was difficult and time consuming, she went out of her way to help. That’s appreciated. Even though she is running unopposed, I will be voting for Carolyn Cliff.

Local Measures

City of Langley sales and use tax for criminal justice and public safety


The Langley City Council adopted Resolution 846 concerning sales and use tax to fund criminal justice services. This proposition would authorize a sales and use tax of 0.1% (one cent per $10 dollar sale) to be collected from all taxable retail sales within the City in accordance with RCW 82.14.450 for the purpose of funding criminal justice and law enforcement services, and recruitment, retention, training and equipping of the City’s law enforcement officers. The increase would become effective in 2025.

Should this proposition be approved?



The story in the Whidbey Record makes clear that Langley is hurting financially and that this is one way to reduce (but by no means eliminate) the shortfall. Nobody likes to pay more in taxes, but this seems to be the only solution right now. I don’t get to vote in Langley but I do shop there, so this will affect me directly. Bottom line: its not that big a hit and the City really needs it.

If I could vote in Langley I would vote YES.

South Whidbey School District – Replacement Levy for Educational Programs/Operations


The Board of Directors of South Whidbey School District passed Resolution No 686 concerning a replacement levy for educational programs and operation. This proposition would authorize the District to levy the following excess taxes, to replace an expiring levy to support the District’s educational programs and operation expenses which are not funded or not fully funded by the State:

Should this proposition be approved?



South Whidbey School District – Technology, Capital Improvements and Safety.

The Board of Directors of South Whidbey School District adopted Resolution No 687 for capital improvement levies. This levy funds the renovation, upgrading and modernization of educational facilities of the District, including safety, security, and technology improvements, and authorizes the following excess levies on all taxable property within the District.

Should this proposition be approved?



“These levies are NOT a new tax. These levies renew expiring taxes that provide local funding for needs not covered by state and federal funding. They are the second largest revenue source for the South Whidbey School District, making up about 16% of the budgeted general fund.”

We all love paying taxes, right? At least these two are not new taxes. They’re just roll-overs of taxes we’re already paying. That makes it hurt a bit less. Luckily the leaking roof at the high school was covered (mostly) by insurance. What is not covered is librarians, counselors, substitute teachers, enrichment classes, coaches, transportation, food service, utilities, insurance, and Special Education services (the latter aren't fully funded by the government).  Those are all services we tend to take for granted, but it has to come from somewhere. That somewhere is the levies we assess ourselves.

I have been corrected by a school board member. I'm going to cut & paste that correction:

Just a small correction to make about the levies. You write:
"Luckily the leaking roof at the high school was covered (mostly) by insurance"
The leaking roof is going to be replaced using funds from the bond.
The recent plumbing leak in the Middle/High School gym is being paid for by insurance.

Ok, now you know the details. Bottom line: it all costs.

I have absolutely no question that these continuing levies are necessary. 

So yeah, while I don’t love taxes, I will be voting YES for both these levies.

North Whidbey Pool, Park and Recreation District – Renewal of Regular Property Tax Levy for Maintenance and Operations

Will the North Whidbey Pool, Park, and Recreation District be authorized to impose regular property tax levies of twenty cents ($0.20) or less per thousand dollars ($1,000) of assessed valuation for each of the six (6) consecutive years, commencing in 2024, for collection in the years 2025 through 2030, to pay a portion of the District’s maintenance and operation expenses, as provided in North Whidbey Pool, Park and Recreation District Resolution No 2024 -02?




I don’t vote on north Whidbey, but I love the fact that the pool is there. I wish it were closer or we had one down here. This is yet another continuing levy. Nothing new, just asking taxpayers if they’re willing to keep doing what they’ve been doing.

If I voted on north Whidbey I would vote YES.

Congratulations. You’ve made it all the way to the bottom of the ballot. Now put it in the sleeve, put the sleeve in the mailer, sign the mailer, and get that ballot into one of the 6 official ballot boxes.