Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What's important to you? Comp Plan issues survey

     Island County is in the process of reviewing and updating its Comprehensive Plan, as outlined below. Part of that involves soliciting public opinion. Unfortunately, the County’s  website with the public opinion survey is just a bit broken. People who go to it (myself  included) are informed that they have already responded to the survey. Not that I know of.

So, since we sincerely want Island County planners to hear what people have to say, I am making it available on my blog. Feel free to download and handwrite your responses (the old fashioned way) or try to go to the county’s website and fill in the survey there. 
Here are the steps I took to get to the survey:
> get involved
> surveys
> survey 1
> https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/IC2036
> "you have already taken this survey"
> frustration

Because I am not tech-savvy enough to figure out how to make the links work in this blog, I have added the actual websites where the original just has hot links. 

If you want a Word version of this (or the second survey), just email me at wean@whidbey.net and I will post it to you. 

I strongly encourage everyone to respond to these surveys as they will determine the focus of the review and update.

Here is what you’ll find in the survey:

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update


Island County is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan (click here  https://www.islandcounty.net/planning/compplan.htm for the existing plan). The Comprehensive Plan   expresses the vision and goals of the community; and determines how development occurs. By 2036 Island County is expected to grow by 9,452 people, and will add approximately 2,031 jobs. The update to the Comprehensive Plan will shape where and how this growth will occur. Your opinions will help us develop the priorities for the Comprehensive Plan update.

This will be the first of several surveys and should take no more than 10 minutes. Watch for future surveys and opportunities to participate at our website   http://islandcounty2036.org/

The comments expressed in this survey will only be reported in the aggregate and no names will be associated with any comments or opinions.
                                                                                                                             (page 1)

 Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update


 1. Which area do you live in or nearest to?
      0  Camano Island
      0  Coupeville
      0  Freeland
      0  Langley
      0  Oak Harbor
      0  Other (please specify)_____________________________

 2. Do you own or rent the place where you live?
      0   own
      0   rent
 other (please specify)_____________________________

 3. Which of these best describes your relationship with Island County?
      0    full time resident
      0    seasonal resident
      0    frequent visitor
      0    other (please specify)_____________________________

                                                                                                                        (page 2)

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

 4.  What is your age?

·       19 or younger
·       20 to 24
·       25 to 34
·       35 to 44
·       45 to 54
·       55 to 64
·       65 to 74
·       75 or older

 5. How long have you lived in Island County?

·       less than 1 year
·       1 – 5 years
·       6 – 10 years
·       11 – 20 years
·       21 – 30 years
·       31 years or more
·       other (please specify) __________________________

 6. What was the primary reason that brought you to Island County?
       0    employment
       0    born or grew up in Island County
       0    proximity to family or friends
       0    rural character/lifestyle
       0    recreational opportunities
       0    affordable home prices
       0    other (please specify)_______________________________

                                                                                                            (page 3)

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

 7. What three words or short phrases describe what you value most about Island County?
     1. ___________________________________________________________________

 8. Briefly describe 1 – 3 things you would like to see changed in Island County. Please limit   your responses to a phrase or sentence.

 9. Briefly describe 1 – 3 things you would like to see maintained in Island County. Please  limit your responses to a phrase or sentence.
 2. ______________________________________________________________________

 10. Should local government actively pursue strategies to encourage people to move to Island County?
       0   yes
       0   no
       0   no opinion
                                                                                                            (page 4)

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

 11. In your opinion, please indicate the priority level of the following comprehensive plan  topics to the 2016 Island County Comprehensive Plan Update.
 (transcriber’s comment: because I do not have access to the entire survey I can’t see what  the drop-down menus are for each of the options on the following list)

 - historic preservation                                                                            priority
 - economic development & job opportunities
 - clean, safe drinking water
 - access to parks, beaches, & outdoor recreational facilities
 - transportation
 - agriculture & local food production
 - affordable housing
 - protecting & enhancing open space & rural scenery
 - protecting the environment

 12. Given finite resources, please identify three Comprehensive Plan topics that you think  the County should prioritize during the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update:

   O agriculture & local food production
  O affordable housing
  O protecting the environment
  O transportation
  O protecting & enhancing open space & rural scenery
  O clean, safe drinking water
  O access to parks, beaches, & outdoor recreational facilities
  O historic preservation
                                                                                                     (page 5)

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

  Contact Information

 13. Are there any questions that you would like to see on a future survey?

 14. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

 If you would like to be added to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update email list, please  sign up for the email list at our website      www.islandcounty2036.org.

                                                                                         (page 6)

Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

 Thank You

  Thank you for your time. Island County Planning & Community Development values your  input. For more information about the Comprehensive Plan Update please visit our project  website or email us at Compplan@co.island.wa.us

                                                                             (page 7)

The 'Limited' Survey

This is the survey which was handed out at the first of 4 community meetings. Attendees were told that it would not be made available outside those meetings. That seemed a bit unfair, so I have duplicated it here for your use. Please copy it as you can and post your responses to Amanda Almgren, long range planner, at a.almgren@co.island.wa.us

Feel free to expand on your thoughts and reasoning.
Island County 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update Public Meeting Questionnaire

1. Values - Please  rate  how  strongly  you support   the following  statements:

(One indicating that you strongly support the statement and five indicating that you do not support the statement)

Statement                                                                            strongly support                      do not support
                                                                                                1              2            3           4               5
The existing character of Island County's rural areas
should be protected, even if this means greater restrictions
on new development and the use of land for purposes
other than agriculture or residences.

Improving public access to beaches and shorelines should
be a priority, even if this means higher taxes for parks in
the County or redirecting funds from other purposes.

The ability of property owners to use or develop their property
however they want should be prioritized above protecting
Island County's rural character and landscapes.

The County should prioritize environmental protection, even
if it means increasing the size of protective buffers where
development is restricted.

New development should be concentrated in areas which are
already developed, even if this means limiting the amount of
development which can occur in rural areas.

Economic development should be encouraged, but new
commercial uses should primarily be located within built-up
areas, cities, and towns.

Tourism should be encouraged in Island County, even if it
places a strain on infrastructure and resources.

The preservation of historic structures and landscapes should be
expanded outside of Ebey's Reserve, even if it means
regulating the use of land or modification to historic structures.

The remaining large tracts of land should be protected even if it
means increasing the minimum size of new parcels.

The Conservation Futures Fund (a tx levied when property is
bought or sold to pay for open space conservation) should be
increased so that more land can be purchased or protected.

2. Priorities - The County has a set amount of time for the Comprehensive Plan update effort. If you were given total control, how would you allocate time (by percentage) to each of the following categories. Please explain any specific areas you would focus on. You may create your own categories, but you may not exceed 100%. (Note that transportation is not included as an option because it is already in progress).

Topic                                                       Time     Explanation

Protecting and enhancing Open
Space & Rural Scenery

Land Use (determining what should
be allowed where)

Environmental Protection

Affordable housing

Access to Parks, Beaches and
Outdoor Recreational Facilities


Historic Preservation

Agriculture & Local Food

Simplifying and clarifying Island
County's codes and regultions



Total                                                      100%