Friday, October 5, 2012

Island County Commissioner, district 2

√  Angie HomolaD, incumbent Angie is one of the hardest workers I have ever met. I don’t think she sleeps. She is thorough and detail oriented, with a rare understanding of the budget and how the pieces fit (or don’t fit) together. She has donated back  more than 10% of her salary to help balance the budget. She’s had a focus on improving conditions for veterans, who she believes have been treated shabbily. Angie believes that public safety is important, but that an ounce of prevention in the form of health care, public open space, and support for children and seniors is worth pounds of policing cure offered by the sheriff. She believes that the way we protect both the quality of life and the economic vitality of the county is by protecting the environment in which we all live and work. Tourists don’t come here to visit Walmart. Angie has been the favorite target of fellow commissioner Tea Party Kelly Emerson, who enjoys interrupting, shouting down, and insulting her during hearings. Angie proposed and helped create the Clean Water Utility.

 Watching a commissioner staff session is very instructive. Kelly Emerson is paying no attention, reading email on her private iPad. Helen knows what’s going on and speaks in general terms. Angie is the one who has read whatever it is, has notes in the margins on every page and is ready to discuss every detail. She’s the one who wants to know how this fits into the existing budget, how necessary it is, and what will happen if they don’t adopt it. Maybe that’s what has Lauderdale and his tea party buddies so upset.

Jill Johnson, R, executive, Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce. This summer she changed the route of the July 4 parade without informing the business owners on Pioneer Way who were preparing for crowds that did not appear. As Chamber executive she promotes shopping local - then does her Christmas shopping on the mainland and farms out printing of her campaign signs to businesses across the country.

She has not attended county commissioner meetings and does not appear to understand county issues. She was born and raised in Oak Harbor and does not seem to have learned much about the rest of the county. Her focus is on economic growth, without considering the environmental basis for that growth. Her website does not provide any information on county issues.

While accusing current commissioners of being confrontational and accusatory, and claiming that she will bring trust and collaboration, she has had some major high-decibel confrontations with her opponents and with downtown business owners. Evidently this is her style at work as well. Her failure to inform Pioneer Way businesses about the changed parade route does not argue well for trust and collaboration.  She has said that she would get rid of the Conservation Futures fund. You know, the one that bought us Double Bluff, Greenbank Farm, Ala Spit, Davis Slough, and conservation easements on many of the prairie farms.

In relation to the budget she has said “we can have it all.” Really? I would sure like to hear her expand on that statement. I have watched commissioners Angie and Helen sweat blood over the budget, dickering, arguing, listening to impassioned pleas from people to whom one particular item is desperately important and then having to tell them, sorry, there is just no way we can do that.

Jill now sits on the Oak Harbor Planning Commission. The minutes of those meetings give the impression that she is not well informed on the issues. One has the impression she does not do her homework. Will she continue in that role if elected? How many hats does she expect to wear?

Her pop-up ads on the Whidbey News Times on-line were truly annoying. 

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