Monday, October 17, 2016

Lieutenant Governor

It turns out this position is more than just symbolic. There’s the usual – stepping in when the governor is away or incapacitated. But this person also serves as president of the state senate, which means s/he helps determine which legislation advances to the Senate floor for debate. By law the lieutenant governor chairs the Legislative Committee on Economic Development and International Relations.

Cyrus Habib  D
education: Columbia BA, Oxford MA, Yale law PhD
lost eyesight to cancer at age 8
attorney, state senator, former state rep
From the website: he has worked on issues of opportunity gap, income inequality, EXTRA SPACE and climate change.
Issues: fully funding public schools, reducing college tuition, investing in public transportation, basic protections for working families, addressing climate change, making government more open and accountable, guaranteed paid sick leave, assuring voting rights, allowing for legislative testimony on-line.

Introduced a state Voting Rights Act.
As Lieutenant Governor he would end the practice of allowing business interests to pay for international trade and goodwill missions.

Endorsed by Washington Conservation Voters.
Endorsed by FUSE Progressive Voters.

Marty McClendon    R
education: UW (no degree)
radio show host, realtor, ex-anesthesia tech, pastor
agenda: open, transparent, accountable, responsive government; reduce ‘excessive’ government regulations; allow business to flourish; take care of veterans; strong supporter of 2nd amendment rights & NRA; must steward our resources – without crippling job growth, property use, or our economic engine; establish transparency in office; aid communications; shrink government; abide by the golden rule.
This one is a classic far-right religious gun-totin’ R who wants to shrink government – while, of course, supporting vets and protecting the environment. No mention of public education, just a claim that state agencies lard their budgets so they can ask for more next year.
He’s an ardent Trump supporter and says he would vote against any kind of gun control.

Another no-brainer.

I’ll be voting for Cyrus Habib

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