Monday, October 17, 2016

President/Vice President

            Donald J Trump/ Michael R Pence    R
            Hillary Clinton/ Tim Kaine     D
            Alyson Kennedy/ Osborne Hart                    Socialist Workers’ Party
            Gloria Estela La Riva/ Eugene Puryear           Socialism & Liberation Party
            Jill Stein/ Ajamu Baraka                                Green Party
            Darell L Castle/ Scott N Bradley                 Constitution Party

            Gary Johnson/ Bill Weld                            Libertarian Party
                                                                                PO Box 4422 Salt Lake City 84110

Like many of you, I’ve just suffered through the endless barrage of Trump/Hillary news, along with the first and second presidential debates. Absent, of course, were all but 2 of the candidates. I’m going to cop out and not even bother with all those minor candidates. We have a full-fledged crisis on our hands and there is no room for waffles, votes of conscience, or anything else, including ‘sitting it out’. The choice is, sadly, between a new-Dem centrist and a narcissistic woman-hating Fascist. I have a visceral hatred for Fascism, so there really is no choice. I wanted so much to be able to vote for Bernie. That new-Dem centrist sabotaged my guy. If there were any way to do so, I would not vote for her. I would perhaps, write in Bernie or vote for Jill Stein. This year we don’t have that luxury. We vote for Hillary or we watch our world disintegrate around us. Frankly, I am very afraid the fascist and his enablers will steal the election – again.

I’ll be holding my nose and voting for Hillary Clinton/ Tim Kaine.

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