Saturday, July 21, 2018

Island County Commissioner, district 3

 Before beginning the before beginning, I'm not even going to try to get rid of all that underlining. Just as with the sheriff's italics, I don't know how to deal with the underlining and I really don't want to have to retype this whole thing. Be aware the underlining is an artifact and means nothing. If anyone would like to offer me a lesson or two in Blogger, it would not be taken amiss.

Before beginning, I need to clear up some confusion. Island County, like most, has 3 County Commissioners, each representing their own district. Only the residents of the district vote for a commissioner in the primary. The general election, by contrast, is open to everyone in the county. So, while this race will not show on your ballot unless you are in District 3 (Camano and North Whidbey), I might as well do the homework now because 1/3 of you need the information now and the rest of  you are going to need the info in November for the general election.

Rick Hannold, R, incumbent

I’ve been watching Rick Hannold for the last 4 years and to say that I am underwhelmed would be a gross understatement.

The latest in a series of foot-in-mouth episodes involves Hannold’s appointment of Planning Commission members. Each County Commissioner appoints 3 Planning Commissioners from their district. Hannold chose to appoint 3 women who all believe that people should have to earn the right to live in Island County, and that people who live in tents in the woods do so as a lifestyle choice. After 2 years of work on an Affordable Housing plan, Hannold’s latest appointee torpedoed the whole thing – and Hannold defended her. The Planning Commission holds a great deal of power over how we live our lives in Island County. Hannold has made it clear with his appointments that poor and working people need not apply for residence.

He has consistently refused to spend and even refused to accept funds for projects in districts other than his own – and when he is overridden, claims credit for the good the projects have done.
There was a package of federal and state grants to build a trail from the Clinton ferry to Ken’s Corner. Hannold and Jill Johnson turned back that funding because they had other priorities in their own districts. Never mind that there was no funding for those other priorities. We end up losing the Clinton trail and having no funds for the Oak Harbor and north trails. Good work, guys.

Hannold has consistently tried to shut down the Conservation Futures fund and program. In his campaign literature he claims to have “successfully reorganized” Conservation Futures. Right. His reorganization eliminated the Technical Advisory Group  which did the research on which decisions were based. Conservation Futures is the program which provides the seed money which Whidbey Camano Land Trust so skillfully leverages into significant grants which they then use to buy such places as the Trillium forest, conservation easements all over Ebey’s Landing National Historic Reserve, and Barnum Point on Camano, among many others. Without that seed money those other grants are not available. Rumor has it that Hannold tried to sell off Barnum Point to developers. Failing that, he then took credit for what I hear is becoming a great public asset. And in his campaign material he even takes credit for the Land Trust’s work securing the Fakkema Farm. Now that is some chutzpah, given that WEAN spent inordinate amounts of $$ defending Island County against Oak Harbor’s demand to annex the farm, and WCLT eventually raised the multiple millions to buy the development rights.

One of Angie Homola’s accomplishments as a commissioner was to create the Clean Water Utility, intended to fund projects to do just that. I found the minutes of a Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting from late 2016 in which it was reported that “C/Johnson and C/Hannold were not in support of implementing this phase of the CWU. Bill Oaks has a million dollars in reserve with approximately $600,000 spent annually. They voted 2-1 to not release the money this year.” One might conclude from this that Hannold is not interested in protecting our water quality, even when specifically designated funds are available and waiting to be spent.

Hannold also claims to have saved Island Transit from bankruptcy. Right.

Most egregious is Hannold’s claim to have “led Island County’s victorious fight to keep multi-national open net fish farms away from Whidbey and Camano Island waters.” Maybe I’m most PO’d about this one because I was so intimately involved in the entire process. It began in 2010 when Angie Homola convinced her fellow commissioners to support a ban on Atlantic salmon net pens in the upcoming review and update of Island County’s Shoreline Master Program. The review and update went forward and eventually was sent to Ecology for review and approval. Ecology held the Shoreline Master Program hostage, demanding Island County remove the ban. There were a series of meetings and hearings, all of which Steve and I attended. Steve wrote a major paper summarizing all the science he could on the subject, and Ecology’s negotiator, Mr Tim Gates, acknowledged that Steve’s paper was the reason they waited 2 whole years to respond, and when they did it was to cave in an allow Island County’s ban. Rick Hannold’s only involvement in any of this was to approve the final adoption.

Oh, and Rick Hannold does not believe that climate change is real, so sees no reason why Island County should prepare for it.

I have very strong feelings about giving credit where credit is due. There is no shortage of this commodity and it doesn’t cost a lot to acknowledge what others have done. Rick Hannold has obviously never learned this lesson.

Janet St Clair, D

Janet is more than a breath of fresh air. She’s a bit of a strong wind who will stir up Island County government in a most positive way. Her background is in human services. She sits on the Island County Community Health Advisory Board, so already has some idea of how things work (or fail to work) at the county. Among other things she has seen just how personally offensive some county commissioners can be, which has caused her to take a pledge for civility. That in itself is a welcome and long needed change.

Unlike incumbent Hannold, Janet has genuine hands-on experience in developing and administering significant budgets.

Here are the points Janet makes in her campaign literature:
·      Access to healthcare, including mental health and substance abuse treatment
·      Dignified retirement and resources to age in place
·      Affordable housing and economic opportunities for Island County residents
·      Parks, access to beach and open space for everyone to explore our outdoor wonders
·      Stewardship of the natural beauty of our islands through sound planning and policies 
·      Respectful, experienced leadership that values community and people above all

Janet believes climate change is real and that human activity is responsible for it. She sees that Island County can reduce its impact and can prepare for such things as sea level rise. She already leads a small environmental organization in pubic education on these issues.  She proposes, as commissioner, to work locally and regionally to develop policies and provide incentives for positive behavior. She is a proponent of low impact development, reducing stormwater runoff, working toward converting the county’s vehicle fleet to lower energy, providing more electric vehicle charging stations, and supporting I-1631, the proposed carbon tax.

She has plans to deal with homelessness and affordable housing, and the background and experience to lend some reality to those plans. Here’s a quote:
     I support the following strategies that can increase housing inventory while staying within GMA mandates and protect the rural and small town nature of our communities.
a. Increase in-fill housing inventory in establish urban growth areas and incorporated towns/cities
b. Create and incentivize co-housing and shared housing policies that do meet septic and water standards
c. Develop policies for micro-housing on large parcels that do not detract or damage our environment and farms
d. Incentives for owners to transfer existing housing from a VRBO inventory to rental inventory where fiscally possible

At the candidates’ night Janet pledged to hold town hall meetings on a regular schedule, both on Camano and North Whidbey, in the evening so working people can attend. She also wants to work on ‘virtual representation.’ Something Angie Homola spent years accomplishing was a video link between the county courthouse and the Camano annex, so people on Camano could participate without driving for several hours. The technology has advanced and Janet wants to make use of those advances to increase distance participation.

On the environmental front, she spoke about the need to  “de-armor” Island County’s shorelines. There are in fact regulations to prevent new bulkheads, but those are honored primarily in the breach. The effect of all these bulkheads is that the waves which would otherwise run out on the shore are blocked, but bulkheads have ends, so the blocked waves go around the ends of those bulkheads with more volume and energy – and erode the neighboring properties. There are technologies called “soft shore armoring” which could in many cases replace those bulkheads, reduce the wave energy, and prevent damaging erosion. Janet gave the recent project(s) at Cornet Bay as a great example.

Someone raised the issue of NAS and Growler noise over Coupeville and the prairie. Janet responded that this was very much an economic issue, and that even the Navy itself says that there are alternatives. They just don’t want to implement them. Janet sees the preferred alternative as having too great an impact on central Whidbey. She is very clear that challenging the current and proposed flight patterns and numbers does not make people anti Navy. She sees a tremendous adverse economic impact which she does not believe the people on central Whidbey should have to shoulder. She intends to consult with Rick Larsen and Senators Murray and Cantwell to address this, and ask them what plans they have to buy out all those homes and farms. Island County needs economic mitigation for the Navy’s plans.

Janet will make a great county commissioner and if I could vote for her in the primary I would do so in a hot flash. I will definitely do so in the general election. I would/will vote for Janet St Clair.

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